The World's First Hand-Portable
AVS-TLGC/IMS Detector!
The Environmental Vapor Monitor (EVM II) is the first
commercial GC/IMS instrument for process and field applications. The EVM
II was developed under Contract DAAA15-94-C-0001 as a Small Business Innovative
Research Contract in association with the U.S. Army, Edgewood Research
Development Engineering Center (ERDEC). It is based on the proven Ion Mobility
Spectrometry (IMS) technology for ultra sensitive detection of gas phase
analytes with high speed Automated Vapor Sampling
(AVS) - Transfer Line Gas Chromatography (TLGC) sampling and separation
capabilities developed by FemtoScan and the University of Utah (www.utah.edu./marc/homepage.htm).
The EVM II is a sensitive and selective, near real-time vapor detector.
The combination of intelligent AVS injections, rapid TLGC separations and
high sensitivity IMS detection leads to the first hand-portable hyphenated
analytical instrument. The result is an instrument with unparalleled analytical
capability in a hand- portable package that is ready for your most demanding
on-line, real-time measurement problems.
Real-time (in seconds) Response
Rapid Column Change Smart Sampling Capability
ppb Level Sensitivity (Vapor)
Notebook PC Data & Control System
Remote Monitoring Capability
Battery or 24 Vdc operation
Hyphenated TLGC/IMS Operation
Excellent Interferant Rejection
Instrument Operation:
The EVM II is a complete detector system for portable applications.
The lightweight package operates from a 24 V battery pack or from an external
power supply. At power-up, the instrument performs a self-diagnostic, resets
the sampling and GC conditions to the previous values, comes up to temperature
and is ready for operation within 15 minutes for most applications. Sampling
operation is either on-demand or continuous allowing different degrees
of operator interaction based on the application. All sampling and GC parameters
can be reset via the notebook computer data system. Designed for the constraints
of field use, the EVM II allows for the use of multiple AVS-TLGC modules
in the field with a rapid change capability for AVS-TLGC "front ends."
Responses can be observed via the on-board LCD display or via a portable
notebook computer data system. In either case, the system is rugged, reliable
and easily maintained for field use. One unique feature of the EVM II is
its surprising immunity to water vapor. This immunity allows the EVM II
to be a "full range" detector for volatile organic compounds, many of which
are not detectable with conventional direct IMS1. The low sampling duty
cycle of the AVS system reduces water vapor loading to levels that allow
the direct detection of alkanes and other organic species typically not
detected by IMS systems. The EVM II is not just a "one problem" instrument.
The modularity of the system design, and the power of the new Hyphen PC
software, greatly facilitate development of new applications.
AVS-TLGC/IMS detection capabilities have been demonstrated
for the following select list of chemical classes in a range of volatile
and semi-volatile species:
Organo Phosphonates
Organic Acids
An additional benefit of AVS-TLGC/IMS is the development
of quantitative methods for many applications. The use of AVS Smart Sampling
allows the extension of instrument dynamic range via computer controlled
feedback control of the sampling volume. Coupled with the selectivity of
TLGC, this approach has been demonstrated to provide over three orders
of magnitude of linear dynamic range in some applications.
Potential EVM II applications include:
chemical weapons detection
pesticide analysis
environmental monitoring
process monitoring
stack monitoring
leak detection
worker exposure determination
quality assurance and quality control.
Application development
is a FemtoScan speciality!
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Additional links:
FemtoScan - The Company
Product - Enviroprobe Module
Product - HYPHEN Software
Technology - What is AVS-TLGC?
Application Note 9701 - Detection of Pesticide Vapors ...
Application Note 9702 - Examining the Analytical Capabilities...
Application - University of Utah Roving GC/MS and TG/GC/IR/MS
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Copyright © 1997-1999 FemtoScan
Page last updated on 7/19/99